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网络风险 & 责任:sim卡交换攻击解释


近年来, 越来越多的组织已经实施了更强有力的网络安全措施, 包括多因素身份验证(MFA). 此方法要求用户提供两个或多个惟一凭据, 例如密码和附加的安全码, 验证他们的身份并登录他们的公司账户. 与MFA, cybercriminals will still be restricted from infiltrating organizations’ IT infrastructures upon stealing users’ passwords, 因为他们将缺乏访问所需的额外凭证.

尽管这种网络安全策略已被证明对许多组织有用, some cybercriminals have figured out a way to exploit MFA through users’ subscriber identity module (SIM) cards. 这些卡是任何手机的基本组成部分, 因为他们打开了大量的信息和服务(如.g.(用户的联系人、短信和通话功能). 通过将他们的SIM卡转移到另一部手机上, 用户可以自动将他们现有的移动配置文件转移到新设备上.

不幸的是, some cybercriminals have begun tricking mobile carriers into transferring users’ profiles to SIM cards on their own devices, 因此,他们可以未经授权访问用户的手机活动. 因为MFA所需的附加安全码通常是通过文本发送的, cybercriminals with fraudulent SIM cards can complete users’ extra account verification steps with ease and go on to infiltrate company networks, 数据和资金. 根据FBI的说法, 这种技术, 也称为SIM卡交换, 仅去年一年就造成了近5000万美元的损失. 像这样, it’s important for organizations to understand SIM-swapping attacks and how to prevent and respond to them.



  • 收集用户的个人信息首次提出, 网络罪犯收集目标的各种个人信息, 比如他们的名字, 出生日期, 联系方式和工作经历. The cybercriminal likely gathers these details by reviewing the user’s online profiles or tricking them into sharing this information via deceptive messages, 恶意链接或其他社会工程策略.
  • 操纵移动运营商-在收集目标的个人信息后, the cybercriminal leverages this information to persuade the user’s mobile carrier to conduct the SIM swap. This may occur in one of two ways: The cybercriminal contacts the carrier while pretending to be the target and asks that the user’s phone number and mobile profile be transferred to a new SIM card, or the cybercriminal utilizes social engineering tactics to hack into the target’s mobile profile and connect the user’s phone number to a different SIM card by themself, 完全绕过运营商. 从那里, 网络罪犯收到用户的短信, 在自己的设备上进行通话和其他手机服务.
  • 利用MFA—Following the SIM swap, the cybercriminal is able to intercept their target’s MFA-related requests. 例如, 网络罪犯可能会收到包含附加安全码的文本, 也叫一次性密码, 在他们的sim卡交换设备上, 这使他们能够成功登录用户的公司帐户. 
  • 泄露公司信息和资产-利用MFA并登录目标账户, 网络犯罪分子能够以各种方式破坏公司的数据和资源. 这可能包括导致网络中断, 破坏或泄露敏感信息的, 窃取公司资金或知识产权. 这些操作可能对受影响的用户和组织产生持久的影响, 造成大规模损失.
  • 逆转交换在某些情况下, the target and affected organization can detect the SIM-swapping attack immediately or shortly after it occurs. 然而, 如果不是这样的话, the cybercriminal may contact the mobile carrier or resort to their own hacking methods to reverse the SIM swap. 这取决于网络罪犯作案的速度, they may be able to avoid alerting the user that the swap took place and allow the attack to go unnoticed for some time.
  • 确保足够的帐户安全措施. Cybercriminals need users’ passwords before they can deploy SIM-swapping attacks and exploit MFA. By requiring employees to create complex and unique passwords that are difficult to crack and change on a regular basis, 组织可以阻止网络罪犯的行动. Additional account security measures that can help minimize SIM-swapping attacks include setting up account activity alerts, 使用严格的访问控制和利用虚拟专用网络.
  • 利用其他MFA选项. 因为sim卡交换攻击通常依赖于通过文本发送的mfa相关请求, organizations should explore other account verification options that cybercriminals can’t access through a stolen mobile profile. 潜在的MFA替代方案包括生物识别技术.e., face or fingerprint scanning), physical security tokens or standalone authentication applications.
  • 保护个人资料. Organizations should encourage employees to protect their personal details by keeping their social media accounts private and refraining from sharing this information over text or email, 尤其是给未知或可疑的收件人. This can make it harder for cybercriminals to obtain the information needed to trick mobile carriers into conducting a SIM swap.
  • 咨询移动运营商. 随着sim卡交换攻击变得越来越普遍, 一些移动运营商已经制定了一些措施来帮助防范它们, such as requiring users to disclose a personal identification number or answer extra security questions before they can make profile changes or transfer cellphone services to different devices. 记住这一点, organizations should discuss these security offerings with their mobile carriers and follow any other guidance provided by their carriers to reduce the risk of SIM-swapping attacks.
  • 教育员工. 组织应该对员工进行美高美集团4688sim卡交换攻击的培训, 检测它们和相关的事件报告协议. Key signs of these attacks that employees should be aware of include unanticipated mobile service outages, glitches or disruptions; suspicious account notifications; sudden account restrictions; and unauthorized network activities or transactions.
  • 制定计划. Creating cyber incident response plans can help organizations ensure necessary procedures are taken when cyberattacks occur, 从而将相关损失降至最低. 这些计划应该有良好的文件记录并定期执行, 他们应该解决一系列网络攻击场景(包括sim卡交换事件). Specific response measures for employers to consider when planning for SIM-swapping attacks include contacting the affected user’s mobile carrier, reaching out to financial institutions to temporarily freeze accounts and prevent the theft of company funds, 并向有关部门报告.
  • 确保足够的覆盖范围. 最后, employers should purchase adequate insurance to maintain much-needed financial protection against losses that may arise from SIM-swapping incidents. It’s best for organizations to consult insurance professionals to discuss their particular coverage needs.


随着sim卡交换攻击的增加, it’s crucial for organizations to fully comprehend these incidents and take proper steps to protect against them. 这样做的时候, organizations can equip themselves with the knowledge and resources to mitigate related cyber losses and successfully navigate today’s evolving digital threat landscape.


网络风险 & Liabilities document is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. 读者应联系法律顾问或保险专业人士以获得适当的建议. ©2024 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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